All functions |
Define the function form of th antibody kinetics |
Define antibody kinetics model |
addAbkineticsModel |
addAbkineticsModelHier |
addCopModel |
This function adds the exposure prior to the rjmc model. |
addObservationalModel |
addPrior |
addPrior |
check_exposures_times |
check_input_data |
check_no_single_entries |
check_sero_timings |
Define the Log Likelihood function for the COP model |
createSeroJumpModel |
Input the known exposures |
Input the serological data |
makeModel |
Define the Log Likelihood function for the observational model |
Define observational model |
Postprocess the posteriors of the simulation study |
plotPostFigs |
plotPostFigs |
A plotting function for the prior on the infection rate |
A plotting function for the prior predictive distribution of the antibody kinetics |
A plotting function for the serological data |
Create a model |
run the RJMCMC algorithm |