Finds the probability of exposure governed by an SIR model with specified parameters for each exposure type and group combination.
exposure_model_sir(i, t, x, g, foe_pars, demography = NULL, time_res = 1, ...)
Data frame containing SIR model parameters for each group and exposure combination. Variable names: x (exposure ID), g (group ID), name (parameter name), value (parameter value). Parameters needed are: beta (transmission rate), gamma (recovery rate), I0 (per capita infected population seed size), R0 (per capita recovered population seed size) and t0 (seeding time). See example for format.
A tibble of relevant demographic information for each individual in the simulation.
Time steps to solve the ODEs. Set lower for higher accuracy.
Additional arguments
Probability of exposure for the requested time step
times <- seq(0,365,by=1)
## Create FOI (force of infection) from SIR model for one exposure type for one group
n_groups <- 1
n_exposures <- 1
## Create parameters of the simple SIR model for one group and one exposure type
foe_pars <- data.frame(x=1,g=1,name=c("beta","gamma","I0","R0","t0"),values=c(0.2,1/7,1/10000,0,50))
## Solve over all times as example
sir_prob <- exposure_model_sir(1, times, 1, 1, foe_pars)