This function is defined by the user and describes the COP likelihood of the data given the model.
- inf_status
The infection status of an individual binary (0 or 1).
- esttitreExp
The model-estimated titre value at the time of exposure
- pars
The fitted parameters needed to calculate the log likelihood. These are defined in the prior
entry of the copModel list.
A function that returns the log likelihood value for the COP model.
Add information here.
# Example usage:
copLogLikelihood <- function(inf_status, esttitreExp, params) {
# COP parameters
beta0 <- params[1]
beta1 <- params[2]
p <- 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(- (beta0 + beta1 * esttitreExp) ) )
ll <- inf_status * log(p) + (1 - inf_status) * log(1 - p)