Sets up a large list of pre-indexing and pre-processing to speed up the model solving during MCMC fitting.

  antigenic_map = NULL,
  strain_isolation_times = NULL,
  age_mask = NULL,
  n_alive = NULL



the data frame of data to be fitted. Must have columns: group (index of group); individual (integer ID of individual); samples (numeric time of sample taken); virus (numeric time of when the virus was circulating); titre (integer of titre value against the given virus at that sampling time). See example_titre_dat


(optional) a data frame of antigenic x and y coordinates. Must have column names: x_coord; y_coord; inf_times. See example_antigenic_map


(optional) if no antigenic map is specified, this argument gives the vector of times at which individuals can be infected


see create_age_mask - a vector with one entry for each individual specifying the first epoch of circulation in which an individual could have been exposed


if not NULL, uses this as the number alive in a given year rather than calculating from the ages. This is needed if the number of alive individuals is known, but individual birth dates are not


a very long list. See source code directly.

See also