Example of the parameter table used through serosolver
. This data frame is used to control everything related to the model parameters, including values, names, fixed/estimates, and uniform prior bounds.
A data frame with 21 rows and 9 variables:
string names of the model parameters
numeric values of the parameters
binary values indicating if the parameter should be fixed (1) or estimated (0) during the MCMC procedure
value between 0 and 1, giving the initial step size in the MCMC proposals. Note that these are adapted automatically
lower numeric bound for the parameter during fitting (lower uniform prior bound)
upper numeric bound for the parameter during fitting (upper uniform prior bound)
can be used to set the lower allowable random starting value for the MCMC
can be used to set the upper allowable random starting value for the MCMC
used for admin during MCMC, set to 1 for normal model parameters, 0 for model options (eg. see titre_dependent), or 2 for attack rate terms, phi
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